Anxiety can affect every aspect of our lives, including our employment. And if workplace anxiety isn’t properly managed, it has the potential to negatively impact our careers. For example, if a promotion would require you to interact more with clients, give more presentations, or take more business trips—and you feel stressed at the prospect of […]
What Is the 333 Rule for Anxiety?
If you regularly experience anxiety, you may have researched ways to relieve your symptoms and come across a coping mechanism known as the “333 rule.” But how does it work? The next time you’re feeling anxious, try: Naming three things you see Naming three sounds you hear Moving three body parts How Does the 333 […]
5 Ways to Cope with Anxiety as a Parent
The hard work and unpredictability that makes parenting so rewarding can also cause a great deal of anxiety. Here are some simple ways to bring yourself to a place of calm. Make a To-Do ListRuminating on worries can cause lots of stress. Clear your mind by making a to-do list. Put down everything that needs […]